Susana Durão

Associate Professor.
Department of Anthropology.
UNICAMP, São Paulo, Brazil.

Susana Durão is Associate Professor of Anthropology at the Institute of Philosophy and Humanities of the State University of Campinas (São Paulo; UNICAMP), and teaches in the Postgraduate Programs in Social Anthropology and Social Sciences (Urban Studies). Currently Durão coordinates the UNICAMP Campus Experiences Office. She won the CNPQ Productivity Fellowship and is the Principal Coordinator of the international project “Policing and Urban Imaginaries: New Security Formats in Southern Cities” (FAPESP / FCT Portugal), and Leader of the GAPS-Police and Security Anthropology Group (CNPQ directory). She is Research Associate at PAGU: Center for Gender Studies and research line coordinator at CEMI: Center for International Migration Studies (UNICAMP). Durão holds a postdoctoral degree from the National Museum of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2007-2008). She was a Visiting Researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon (2013) and at the Summer School Program in Social Sciences of the Princeton Institute of Advanced Studies (2015-2017).
Areas of Expertise: Public/private security assemblages; police studies; professional careers and work; social constructions of gender and emotions; qualitative methods, ethnography and biographical narratives. Regional foci: Brazil; Latin America; Portugal; Southern Europe; Portuguese-speaking African Countries.

Susana Durão é Professora Associada de Antropologia no Instituto de Filosofia e Humanidades da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (São Paulo; UNICAMP). Leciona nos programas de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social e de Ciências Sociais (linha Cidades). Atualmente coordena a Secretaria de Vivência dos Campi da UNICAMP (SVC). Bolsista produtividade CNPQ e coordenadora principal do projeto internacional “Policing and Urban Imaginaries: New security formats in southern cities” (financiamento convênio FAPESP/FCT Portugal). Líder do GAPS-Grupo de Antropologia do Policiamento e da Segurança (diretório CNPQ). Pesquisadora associada ao PAGU: Centro de Estudos de Gênero e coordenadora de linha de pesquisa no CEMI: Centro de Estudos de Migrações Internacionais (UNICAMP). Durão é Pós-Doutoral pelo Museu Nacional da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (2007-2008). Foi Pesquisadora Visitante no Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa (2013) e no Programa de Verão de Ciências Sociais do Instituto de Estudos Avançados de Princeton (2015-2017). Áreas de Atuação: Montagens da segurança pública/privada; estudos policiais; carreiras profissionais e trabalho; construções sociais de gênero e emoções; métodos qualitativos, etnografia e narrativas biográficas. Focos regionais: Brasil; América Latina; Portugal; Sul da Europa; Países Africanos de Língua Portuguesa.



Pensar com Método

Durão, Susana e Isadora Lins França (orgs.),

Rio de Janeiro, Ed. Papéis Selvagens.

ISBN: 9788585349080


Polícia e Polícias em Portugal: Perspetivas Históricas

Gonçalves, Gonçalo Rocha & Susana Durão (eds.),

Lisboa, Editora Mundos Sociais. pp. 1-183.

ISBN: 978-989-8536-59-4.


Esquadra de Policia

Durão, Susana

Lisboa. Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos.

Lisboa. 113 pp.

ISBN 978-989-8819-25-3


  • Ph.D. 2007/2008

    Post-Doctorate in Anthropology

    Museu Nacional of the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

  • Doctorate 2006

    Doctorate in Complex Societies Anthropology

    ISCTE, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

  • Master 1999

    Master in Social and Cultural Anthropology

    Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa

  • Graduation 1994

    Graduation in Anthropology

    Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa


    • 20212019


      Coordinates the UNICAMP Campus Experiences Office, appointed by the Provost of UNICAMP.

    • 20182015


      Coordinator of the Undergraduate and Teaching Certification Courses in Social Sciences of IFCH-UNICAMP.

    • 20172015


      Visiting Research Fellow for the Summer Program in Social Science, at the  Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton, USA), École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (Paris, France), e Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study (Uppsala, Sweden).

    • Present2013


      Credentiated Professor of the Graduate Program in Social Sciences (PhD Program in Cities).

    • Present2013


      Credentiated Professor of the Graduate Programs in Social Anthropology.

    • Present2013


      Advanced Associate of the Anthropology Department in the Institute of Philosophy and Human Sciences of the State University of Campinas, Brazil.

    • 2013Jan-Jun


      Visiting Professor at Institute of Philosophy and Human Sciences (IFCH) of the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil.

    • 20122011


      Professor for the Interdisciplinary Master’s in Brazilian Studies of the University of Lisbon (with participation of the ICS/UL), where Durão lectured the course: Brazilian Studies: critical problems (coordinated by José Luís Cardoso and João de Pina-Cabral). This Master’s was approved by the Evaluation Committee and began in 2012/2013.

    • 20132011


      Assistant professor for Sociology I and Sociology II for the Integrated Master’s of the Higher Education Institute of Political Science and Internal Security (ISCPSI) of the Public Security Police, Portugal.

    • 20132008


      Research Fellow hired by the Social Science Institute of the University of Lisbon (Portugal - ICS/UL).

    • 2004Set-Oct


      Research Fellow in Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação de História Contemporânea do Brasil (CPDOC), Fundação Getúlio Vargas — by Celso Castro's invitationinvitation.

    • 20022001


      Research Fellow in the Department of Anthropology in the University Institute of Lisbon – Portugal.


    • 2019
      Founding member of the GAPS – Grupo de Antropologia do Policiamento e da Segurança na UNICAMP (CNPQ directory).
    • Present-2016
      Founding member of the ``OdE: OFICINAS DE ETNOGRAFIA``, a monthly workshop focused on the methods discussion. Co-organized with ``CEMI: Centro de Estudos de Migrações Internacionais``.
    • 2016-2019
      Membership in working group CLACSO “Policía y seguridad en regímenes democráticos” (na área temática Violencia y seguridad ciudadana), coordinated by Sabina Frederic.
    • 2016-2018
      Bolsa Produtividade Nacional CNPQ, nível 2
    • Present-2013
      Runs the course ``Antropologia do Policiamento e da Segurança`` at the Centro de Estudos de Migrações Internacionais (CEMI, UNICAMP).
    • Present-2013
      Visiting Researcher at PAGU. Núcleo de Estudos de Gênero, UNICAMP.
    • 2011
      ERICS AWARD, ICS 2011
      “The Police Community on the Move: Hierarchy and management in the daily-lives of Portuguese police officers”, Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale, - Rethinking Institutions (Special Issue), Vol. 19-4, Nov: 394–408.
    • 2010
      ERICS AWARD, ICS 2010
      “The social production of street patrol knowledge. Studying Lisbon’s police stations”, in Marc Cools, Sofie De Kimpe, Arne Dornaels, Marleen Easton, Els Enhus, Paul Ponsaers, Gudrun Vande Walle, Antoinette Verhage (eds), Police, Policing, Policy and the City in Europe, The Haghe, Eleven International Publishing: 79-112.